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[Island Rollback Request] RosaGardiner

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Your Name: RosaGardiner
Island Owner Name: RosaGardiner
Coordiantes:  -1289, 72, -246
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 05 december 2017 18:00 ish (UTC +1 Norway)
Description of Issue: Went to the end to kill some chaos gardians with a friend. came back to my base half hour later to found that it was littery gone, it is not chunk related and it looks griefted like edited out in a way. like exactly on the line to the important stuff is gone. gggamer spammed me with tp's and i have a log of that. i even found out he has wordedit. so i would check into that..
sad that i now cant do anything until its rollbacked at looked at.
- RosaGardiner

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i spammed him tp cause he alway say NO and i tried to make him accept my tp request so i can help to kill ender dragon

The thing with the island was not me 

i cant to it even if i could i cant use the //wand on his base because it wont let me

it says that i cant touch his things even with the wand with left click


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