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I wanted to inform you about this multicuenta that is Reykax and Reykax that I have proofs in Spanish but I will translate them

Screenshot_1.png.61bd92a930f7b7bf74a7ad2c50ddbaa1.pngfirst picture:

ReyKay:make me teleport towards me that I am in a dungeon of shythe

ReyKay:do teleportation to ReyKax towards here

Screenshot_2.png.22cbaf6b9c4a5a06e76811c5dc63bf8e.pngSecond picture 
Me (lucakapo): I know it's multi-account admit
Reykay:if you do teleportation to my other account
Reykay: and I admit it
ReyKay:I admit it
Me(lucakapo):Wow, really?
Reykay:give him teleportation














Hmmm, as far as I know, this is not illegal, mulltiaccounts are legal in certain way, you can only have 5 in the same ip, but none of them can be banned, if this circuntance is met, the account evading is banned, and the main account's ban is extended.



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