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[Refund Request]*Don_EZio*

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Your Name: Don_EZio 
Item Name + ID + Amount: 

4x awakened draconium block

1x Staff of power with draconic Attack damage upgrade

1x angel rings

93x NetherStar

12x Wyvern Core

EDIT 4x Rf Tools crafter tier 3 http://prntscr.com/htg2f5 http://prntscr.com/htg2os
Coordinates:  7441x 2320z 68y
Description of Issue: Put all my stuff in a chest for Pvp with safcgrubb. The server crash 1 times i go back to my base for take my stuff and do my life, but the server crash a second times. When i reconnect im still with my pvp stuff i go back to my chest but all the stuff i take before is missing. 
Screenshots (Optional): 

stuff holes in chest http://prntscr.com/htfwtk 

Draconium block i start to mine http://prntscr.com/htfz7x EDIT cause by 3 ghost block

iron stuff duplicated http://prntscr.com/htfyao

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