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[Crash] SF3 Constantly crashing due to Super Conduit Maker feature of hiding circuits with a screwdriver


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Account Name: Crucozore
Description of the Issue:  Hello, hope this is in the correct subforum. I was building in Spidermankir's island (clan home) in SF3, and figured I'd try out the mod super conduit maker so I could make the redstone part smaller. After trying to hide a circuit with a screwdriver (shift rightclicking it) it instantly crashed me and crashes me again as soon as I join. It's so fast I can't teleport, move or try to remove it myself before it happens again. I'm not sure if it just crashes me or other people too, couldn't test it. It would be nice if someone could remove it; it's very close to the void, if you're unable to get close enough to it without crashing, there's nothing important close to the void afaik, only the little bit that I built (which is not important at all to me), so you could just remove the ~5-10 bottom levels remotely if possible. Thanks in advance.

Logs: https://pastebin.com/4TtZb6ab


Here's what the crash report says, in case it's important:

The game crashed whilst tesselating block model
Error: com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.

Also sorry if you read this and also crash Spider ^^


Hi. Thank you so much for the details, rarely anyone does that :P.
Also I removed the block as I had crash issues with it too. Hopefully everything should be fine now.
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