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Kinda item rollback request SilenceXX

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Your Name:  SilenceXX
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  03.02.2018 15:00-15:30
Description of Issue:  As im having constant lags/ disconnects with server, i was using one diamond backt to transfer all my valuable items in one go, to valuables chest. Bet got one more of disconnect/server restart(more crash-restart) and my bag with all was gone. I understand tham im still in begining of it, but still to lose over 50 diamond block, emeralds, i have paid money for and mined in nether, and lost other stuff -  is wery painfull for me.

At least find reason of thouse server lags/crashes, as im close to rage quit...

Now i know that backpacks are not for using.  

Some list i remember, what i had in backpack:

~50 diamond blocks, ~50-60 emeralds, 20-30ish iron block, 20 tranfer pipes, 5-6 transfer nodes, 50-60 redstone blocks, 10-15 lapis blocks, 4 vote keys, 1 legendary key. 3 or 4 diamond spikes.



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