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[Refund Request] logarthsheppy


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In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your refund request topic.
For your topic name, use [Refund Request]*YourName*

Your Name:
Item Name + Amount: gold ingotsx27 iron ingotsx20 lead orex10 gold orex10 tin orex20 quartzx4 glassx40 redstonedustx64 machineblockx4
Coordinates: -871,5875,15
Description of Issue: Due to server crash, I logged back in inside a wall.  I managed to pickaxe myself out before suffocating only to fall thru the world. Normally I wouldn't ask for a refund for common stuff like this but, the server just reset and I lost a bunch of what I got out of vote keys this way.
Screenshots (Optional): 


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