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[Refund Request] Captin_Nunchuck

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As Requested By AkAElite


Your Name: Captin_Nunchuck
Item Name + Amount: 

25 resonant energy cells from thermal expansion

2 advanced powercells from rftools

1 powercell from rftools

3 matter beamer from rftools

1 spawner from rftools

1 syringe with wither essence (wither boss) from rftools

2 ender chest from ender storage

1 ender tank from ender storage

1 modular storage from rftools

1 remote storage card from rftools

3 impulse item ducts

2 hardened servos

1 tunnel from compact machines

1 max sized compact machine

1 normal sized compact machine

Coordinates (format x, y, z): 278 30 -919
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: N/A This Refund is Regarding My compact machine Corrupting

Forum Refrence:

Description of Issue: 
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