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[Refund Request]Bugglebaggle


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Account Name: Bugglebaggle


Lost items of value:

64k ME Essentia Storage Component — 7102:3

64k ME Fluid Storage Component — 5788:7

64k ME Storage Component — 4362:38

Resonant Portable Tank — 2671:4

Resonant Strongbox — 2672:4

Resonant Cache — 2673:4


Time/date of server crash: Around 10:55 pm (utc +3)


Description:  I was using legendary keys of which I had 3 and got myself the aforementioned items + some cursed earth (in case you'll want me to toss the leg keys away). I stood there by the legendary crate Googling how to best use these mighty items which I quickly realized were super useful for me personally. Then the server crashed/there was a server interruption of some sort and there was enough rollback for me to have lost the stuff I planned on loving well!


Sadly I have no screencaps/real proof of the items, but I'll be sure to start taking them from now on just in case. I was directed here by a staff member.


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