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[Refund Request]Mariopr4


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Your Name: Mariopr4
Item Name + Amount: 


Power helm, Leggins, Chestplate & Boots -> Each with HV Capacitor, forcefield emitters and heat sheilding - Chestplate with Jetpack & invisbility, Boots with shock absorption, Leggings with speed boost, jump boost


Flux-Infused sword with Sharpness 5 callled 'Player Slayer'

Flux-Infused Pickaxe called 'Stone Slayer' with Efficency 5

Flux-Infused Axe

Flux-Infused shovel

Wireless acess terminal



Coordinates: http://prntscr.com/k169qi
Description of Issue: I walked into a mining laser, got basically teleported to the bottom and couldnt fly out because of the fire. (Epicfighters was there)
Screenshots (Optional): 


Items refunded


Also, please try to use the proper names of the upgrades XD i had to look at the materials used to know which ones to put on. (For example, HV Capacitor is used for Elite Battery)




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