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[Reinstatement] Possible Rank Reinstatement Request

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Good Evening All,


It's been a while, I apologise! My PC ended up having a complete meltdown due to a faulty cable and thus I haven't been around for an extremely long time!


I have managed to finally get a new pc up and running and would like to return to the leadership team if that is an option for me. I've managed to salvage my external hard drive with my usernames and passwords and thus I am finally here to explain myself. Seems like a coincidence, I know.. but I can assure you it is not. Cost me more than I can really afford but I am hoping to be around a heck of a lot more again and would enjoy helping out again in my usual manner.


Please can I ask your consideration in reinstating me to my previous rank. I understand if this is declined and await your response.


Thanks in advance,




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