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[DW20 1.12] Suggestion: More chunk loaders?


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I understand that the limit of 4 chunks loaded per player is to stop lag, but I was thinking if you were able to get away with being able to either have 1 chunk loader from range 1-2 or have 5 spot loaders per person. If they had a spot loader, they can't have a chunk loader, and vice versa. I don't think this is going to be implemented, as the server is very laggy already.


Hi, I'm really sorry but I would have to decline this suggestions with the reason you've already said. People tend to build heavy inefficient bases which causes a lot of harm to the server, adding an extra one per user will result in 15-20+ more chunks (usually machine heavy ones) being loaded on the server throughout the day.

If you really really need more chunkloaders then you can buy a package available at our donation store:


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