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[Rollback Request]TNT_sword


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Your Name:  TNT_sword

Coordiantes:  x: -372 to -331

                        y: 80 to 63

                        z: 886 to 936

Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year)
Description of Issue: 
Screenshots (Optional): 
Your Name:  
Coordiantes: (use format xyz: 1845 64 2374)
Time/Date: 20/09/2018
Description of Issue: Raided.

I did not take in account the claim based on the assumptions of a friendly, small, and mostly known to me, community; and primarily, that i didnt have enough claim power as to be able to claim all of my cropland, i mainly was doing pam's harvestcraft because of the hell of it, and some bees. Allthough i claimed my chests i didnt extend my claim much further, and the little bugger went ham at whatever wasnt protected.

PD: Towilloughby tried to give me a name from the missing blocks, but said there wasn's such a plugin. So this is pretty much all i can do.
Screenshots (Optional): 

2018-09-22_15.52.57 (2).png


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