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Help! i lost my stuff! again....

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I lost my stuff in the upgrade+ diamond backpack and I have nesting upgrade inside it and there's photos of me having the stuff the inventory so you can remember this and restore my stuff back :)

Minecraft 1.10.2 10_13_2018 1_34_39 PM.png

Minecraft 1.10.2 10_13_2018 1_34_47 PM.png


I lost armored electric alloy jetpack,

1 elemard seeds,

1 enderman seeds. 

and a wand of forest.

and 1 stack of toasts.

40 item conduits,

and a wooden pickaxe with 5 effiencty. which I got them from chance blocks.

and maybe 1 tier inferium seeds.

44 flints.

and lastly. 14 pressiuzed conduits.

I don't care another items.. but I will edit this again then I remember more...


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