babganoush Posted November 26, 2018 Posted November 26, 2018 Your Name: babganoushItem Name + Amount: 20 Aer Vis Crystal, 20 Aqua Vis Crystal, 40 Ignis Vis Crystal, 20 Terra Vis Crystal, 20 Perditio Vis Crystal, 20 Ordo Vis Crystal, 4 bowl, 64 redstone, 1 Crimson Cult Leggings, 1 Iron Chestplate, 1 Witch Hat, 1 Iron Sword, 1 Iron Pickaxe.Coordinates (format x, y, z): 465, 67, 1844.Description of Issue: During the second of two server restarts, both of which involved minor rollbacks, I returned to see my inventory only containing 3 string, with no grave to be found. There was, however, a death waypoint. With the help of a moderator (HoraAuxesia) I could be sure that there were no gravestones near my point of death, nor were they anywhere along the vertical axis of my point of death.Screenshots (Optional):
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