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Inventory Rollback Request


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Your Name: maddado
Coordinates: X830.254/ 63.00000 / -656.972 
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 2:15 AM 4/may(5)/2019 GMT+4
Description of Issue: Was pvping with a friend for fun and he broke my grave after killing me and items vanished.
Screenshots (Optional): No screenshot


The items that I lost and care about are:

8 Nether stars

Tinker Pickaxe (cobalt head, papper binding, firewood handle, has diamond on it, 1 level of haste (50 redstones), 1 level of luck (50 lapiz)

Tinker Axe or Hatchet with the same build as the Pickaxe

27 or 28 Coke Bricks


No It's fine I was worried about those items the others I can just get back normally, Thank you for the swift response ItsHarryFan11

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