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[Claim Rollback Request]*ilja615* direwolf 1.12

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my base was likely griefed by hacker. it is for me unknow who did it. i sincerely hope you can return the damage. it was on the direwolf20 1.12 server

Your Name:  ilja615
Coordiantes:  coordiantes are: x: 500 / y: 75 / z: 345
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): tueseday 4 june 2019 on around about 20:00 GMT english time. i logged out then and it all was okey.
Description of Issue: my base got destroyed, there are 3 big cube shaped holes in it. in my fish farm, my crops farm/ rf maker. and also random hole in the ground. i think it was destroyed by a hacker
Screenshots (Optional): i made screenshots and those are in the discord server in the channel: #direwolf20_1_12.

i am look forward to hear back soon. (also: sorry i hope you may understand the message but i am not english)
with greetings, ilja615


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