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(Inventory refund request) _Cuttermesser1_


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My name:_Cuttermesser1_

Location of the chest: x: -814 z: -15 y: 91

What happend:

Yesterday my old Account "_cuttermesser_" was hacket and i can´t login on minecraft.net i make a new account "_Cuttermesser1_" .

I was really sad because i hat god items on this skin and now i cant do anything about that.

Can someone please copy the inventory and the Amor and put it in a chest? 

Amor was :Quantum suit but with a gravi chestplate.

Inventory: some tinker tools and weapon cleaver with 40+ attack damage menyulin pickaxe, excuvator, lumber axe,   and the holyest thing my pickaxe of wyvern with enchantments slik touch soulbound and looting 3.

Please Please Please i play 2 weeks with help from friends to came on these items ... i dont want start from the beginning. ❤️


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