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[Inventory Rollback Request]szynsz


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Your Name: Szynsz
Coordiantes: x -143 y 95 z 1257

Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  13.08 2019 12:30 UTC +1
Description of Issue:  All items from my refined storage system dissapear, so i dont want to wait for claim rollback so i request for resource that i remember. So please for 32 gold ore 32 lapis 64 redstone, 32 diamonds and 32 glowstone 32 copper ingots 10 silver ingots. This numbers are "more or less" but i had many more items (more tham 1k items in storage block)
Screenshots (Optional): Screenshot


I doubt a little that with this request and only a screenshot will reimburse your items my recommendation is that you investigate a little more and add a better request  I wish you luck.?


Items placed in a chest next to your me terminal.
Refined storage is known to delete a lot of items, you should switch to AE2 asap.



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