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[CaveRollback Request]*Sedrexino*

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Your Name: Sedrexino
Cave Owner Name: Sedrexino
Coordinates: Do not remember. (unable to login)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): August 31, 2:00 a.m. (USA Time zone: GTM-4)
Description of Issue: I placed a potion brewer and then started creating a speed potion (but didn't quite make it). Suddenly, after placing different stuff (like sugar, glowstone and glass bottles) inside the potion brewer, my client crashed with an error saying "The following Mod(s) have been identified as potential causes: Tesla Core Lib Registries, Telsa Core Lib." I tried restarting the client and redownloading Stoneblock 2 modpack, but nothing helped and anytime I try logging in I instantly crash again. So I am unable to login and break the potion brewer (which causes this problem). Please help. (If any additional information is needed, please contact me via email: saakyan160501@gmail.com or discord: Sedrex#7739)
Screenshots (Optional): https://paste.dimdev.org/zenizedufo.mccrash


The potion brewer is known to crash players. Luckily if that happens we can just delete the brewer instead of rolling back the entire base.
You should be able to log back in.


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