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[Inventory Rollback Request]*pomister*


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Your Name: pomister
Coordinates: X-1149 Y 83 Z-2057
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 11:10 PM  UTC+2 1st, september 2019
Description of Issue: The Servers TPS was extremely low, due to that, when i did the command /home and then /back, i was lagged out and falling. Eventually i had died from ''Falling to death'', yet the grave was not in the area of my death point X-1150 Y39 Z-2058. Whitch leads me to believe that the grave is either under the bedrock or simply does not exist at all.
Screenshots (Optional): 



I think you might have rolled back a bit too much, i had quite alot more in my inventory at around 11:10 PM +2 UTC.

It seems you have rolled back to the point when i still had my leather starting set. I can only renember that i had a scanner with a block scanning module installed.

Is it possible to trace to the last point that i had a scanner in my inventory and rollback to there?

You might have forgotten to change my time zone into whatever your server uses. and just done 11.10 PM 'Whatever'


I rolled your inventory back to the next earlier backup from the time you provided. You already lost your items in the backup after that. Also, both of us live in the same timezone :)

A rollback is meant to be used for when you lose items like me storage cells, for which you can't know what exactly was in them.
I placed a scanner with a block scanning module in your inventory. If there is anything else, please make a list below.


Thank You! But i couldnt tell if anything else would be missing, due to me adventuring at the time of death.

Was not too concerned due to the /back command. :)


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