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[Claim Rollback Request] MrKnittens


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Your Name: MrKnittens
Coordiantes: x: -454 z: 4844 y: 58
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12:30 pm (<--edit)
Description of Issue: Okay, so technically there was a stargate here, presumably the only one on the entire map. I destroyed it thinking i was picking up the blocks, however i was not. I technically set a claim after this point in time, so if i can't be helped than so be it. But, i would like this to be returned to how i found it so that maybe i could use it later. I am just sad that it broke and didn't drop any of the pieces.




Unfortunately I won't be rolling back the area. Rollback requests are here for any issue or mistake that the server may have caused, not any mistakes the player caused. 



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