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Claim Removal *iamcoolguy12*

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(EDIT: Claim has been removed, thank you!!)
Your Name: Stardust_Miner
Claim Owner Name: iamcoolguy12
Coordinates of claim: 
Claim members: iamcoolguy12
Reason for request: Discovered small beginner claim 9x9 with absolutely nothing in it located right next to my huge house and I can't extend my own claim to protect our stuff. It's completely empty, just want it gone so I can build a windmill there please. Tried many many times to private msg and asked in pub lic quite a few times for that player to remove their claim but there is no response. The player doesn't chat or look like they know how to /r. Thank you. (EDIT: Claim has been removed)
Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended): 



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