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Can't access grave


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Sorry, this is for 1.12, not 1.7. I don't know how to delete my post. 

Your Name: Krestii
Coordinates: Dim 9, X:8 Y23, Z8
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine, including timezone) (day/month/year): 2019/10/20 20:20
Description of Issue: There was a randome RFTOOLS teleportation block and out of curiosity I used it and ended up in a collapsing world.  I couldn't get back there. Each time it killed me. 
Screenshots (Optional): 


You need a Phased Field Generator to enter an unpowered dimension, and it has to be on your bar. Since the dimensions are being reset today, I ended up hopping in that dimension and retrieved your items for you. I put them in a satchel so just hit me up when you're next online. I'll be putting the satchel in my Ender Chest so staff can give it to you if you're not on before they read this.

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