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[Refund Request] Luniak


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Your Name: Luniak
Item Name + Amount:

  • 1 x Manyullyn Cleaver (Manyullyn Large Sword Blade, Paper Tough Rod, Steel Tough Rod, Obsidian Large Plate) With Max Loot (450 lapis), Leadstone Flux Capacitator, 3 additional modiffiers added (diamond + goldblock, gapple + diamond block and nether star) and 5 sharpnes [360 nether quartz]
  • 1 x TC's Hammer  (Manyullyn Head, 2x Manyullyn Plate and Paper Tough Tool Rod) With Moss, Silky Jewel, Leadstone Flux Capacitator, 3 additional modiffiers added (diamond + goldblock, gapple + diamond block and nether star) and 200 Redstone Dust
  • Resonant Flux Capacitator about 60% charged at the time
  • 1 x Ender Pouch synced with my chest on town
  • Some other irrelevant stuff like food, quest book, dirt, endstone and like that

Coordinates: End [x:162, z:5 y:48]
Description of Issue: During building of public enderman grinder i wass accidently hit by one of them, as dead at point, and thrown away from grinder, after i do /back i didnt found grave, not  at death point, or anywhere around place :(

Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/pXgoAae


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