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[Island Rollback Request] 420_krogh

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Your Name: 420_krogh
Island Owner Name: 420_krogh
Coordinates: -29944.500 / 75.00000 / 27903.500
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 22.00 GMT+1 3/12/2019
Description of Issue: we on the island lost our disk drive that we put in our disk drive and when we long in today 15.00 GMT+1 4/12/2019 they are gone we a furnace aswell
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When did you make the disk drives? It could be possible that the backups we have do not have the disk drives.

The backups are made at 2am, 8am, 2pm and 8pm GMT+0.

The backup I used for your island was 03/12/2019 8:13 PM


Closed due to inactivity



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