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[Refund Request]*Alpha_Darkwolf*

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Your Name: Alpha_Darkwolf
Item Name + Amount: 

Emeradic Crystal AIOT (1)

Draconic Bow (1)

Draconic Boots (1)

Draconic Leggings (1)

Draconic Chestplate (1)

Draconic Helm (1)

Coordinates (format x, y, z): (In The End, At) X: 9985, Y: 95, Z: 0
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: (In Spawn World, At) X: 3940,Y:  -639 ,Z: 22
Description of Issue: Died After busting grave before i could pick it all up. so never got these items back. (Bottleofsyrup) helped me get back to it as the Chaos Dragon was killing me before i could even rez'd in, eventually Bottleofsyrup killed the dragon witch allowed me to get in and start busting the Tower of graves, and i had just busted the one holding my things (had full inventory of Death-notes and was throwing them out to pick up items when something Blew me Up and killed me,, did the /return command and my stuff was no longer there to be picked up. (BottleofSyrup) told me to file a Refund request and passed me my Deathnote that listed my lost items, told me what to do and so here i am. i really want my Draconic Armor back, and thanks in advance.
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