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[Refund Request]Fezyx


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Your Name: Fezyx
Item Name + ID + Amount: 

Quantum Quarry actuator 1x

Quantum quarry

dont know ID of the items


Quantum Quarry actuator -2854,700 / 64,00000 /4223,329

Quantum quarry- 2855,800 / 64,0000 /4223,300

Description of Issue: 

when i yesterday join, my quantum quarry was stealen from my base, base was claimed, so dunno where is my quantum quarry and 1 actuator.....
i bought it from store "ExtraUtilities: Quantum Quarry Kit" for money and base was claimed so it should be protected, can somebody make it back? 

screenshot of missing block/claimed area

Screenshots (Optional): 



Interesting. I checked it out, and your base was fully claimed with no authorized players.
Items refunded.


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