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[Inventory Rollback Request]*Danark*


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Your Name: Danark   ([uRxP]Danark#8712)
Coordinates: X -4836  Z -418  Y 77 overworld (death cords)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 10:00pm est 1/8/20
Description of Issue: I was flying around with the creative jet pack i got out of mythic crate and i landed in a claim that had what seems to be a turret and died to it at the above cords. I was unaware that there are turrets at all and also unaware that you can not loot a grave on a claim. I surely would have used caution. I am sorry for the inconvenience but please grant my request. The death occurred at 10:13:25 PM 1/8/20 according to journey map and i'm in Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5) if that matters. I've had the jet pack for more than a day also ring of Odin from legendary crate before that




Screenshots (Optional): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y56P1OYySbODS_tmLJMAGhLYllC1YYVA/view?usp=sharing

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