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[Refund Request]*_Zorny_*


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Your Name:  _Zorny_
Item Name: Dragon Egg white (from Ice and Fire-mod)
ID: unknown
Amount: 1
Coordinates: x-4958, z 236, y 62
Description of Issue: I tried to hatch my white dragon egg last night. wiki says:" surround with ice and put in water. If the water around the egg freezes, than it will hatch in a few minutes." The ice clinked and the Egg was gone. I ported myself to the spawn because of chunk update. There it was back again. That worked 3-4 times. Then i started taking the ice off the corners and the server restart came. after that it was gone. Maybe I accidentally broke it, but I sould have noticed that. After that i went offline. 

Thank you for helping me.

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