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[Unban] yEstoQueEh


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[1] Nombre de usuario en el juego:

- yEstoQueEh -
[2] Detalles de la situación:

Banned me for duplicates that were poorly done -


[3] Categoría de prohibición:

-  duppeds -

[4] Duración de la prohibición:

- 3 days -

[5] Miembro del personal:

- xtomyserrax -

[6] Capturas de pantalla:

- ( https://imgur.com/a/R0Sfb3f ) -

[7] Tu razón:

He banned me, because of a shulker, in which there were apples that if there were
taken the apples out of the shulker would tell me this was creative.



Hey, first of all you were never banned just for that shulker. You had in your hand a diamond sword really well disguised that could kill instantly and also destroy a diamond armour. You also admitted this in chat and said who sold it to you. There is a screenshot showing the sword you had an a diamond sword enchanted by me, they look really the same, but I have minecraft in spanish so there I can see the differences.

Your unban request is denied, evidence is more than clearly.

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