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[Inventory Rollback Request]AkiraHeartnet

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Your Name: AkiraHeartnet
Coordinates: x: -10007      Y:99    Z:-11
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2020/03/31    17:15 GMT+1 | UTC +1
Description of Issue:  I was flying around the end trying to find end citys when I saw a Chaos Guardian, server crashed around that time and when I logged on the island had explouded and I couldnt /back, some mods were online and went to the cords but no gravestone there. I had two items on me with soulbound, the ones you see on the image and that I'm gonna keep in my inventory (so they don't get duplicated). Thanks in advance.
Screenshots (Optional): 


Heyo thank you so much!!!
There was awakened item deslocator missing but I made it again, its not that expensive so no need to give another one XD
Thanks again and keep up the god work ❤️


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