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Network server (AC, Pure, CTW, etc.): Skywars


In-game nickname: JuanJo17X


Nickname you're complaining about: Parrotistan


Description of the situation:


I was playing with a friend [SOFIA17X] with whom I often play on the server when in one of the moments a player entered

the skywars server and unkindly began to harass us with words and offenses to the players awarded at that time.

I read in the rules number 9 that this can be sanctioned, it was only to report this situation since this violates the tranquility of playing and makes us a more toxic community

which I don't want to happen, thanks a lot for reading!


Screenshots / Video test (required): [The conversation is in Spanish] 



Players who can confirm their situation (if applicable): Sofia17X, srEmanuel



Player punished. 

Also I see srEmanuel is trying to protect you but please don't use such language. It's sort of becoming like the one 'insulting' you and that's not appropriate. I will have to punish him too if he does so again.

Thanks for reporting! ?


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