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I had the same problem of my stuff despawning when the save data happens and lags the server.

Name: eevilggenius_13

Base Coordinates: x: 268 y:68 z:4221


  • full dragon scale amour(blue)
  • dragon eye
  •  a ring of regen and speed that had I think undying or legendary but it was purple that's all i can remember about the rings 
  •  heart of the sea pendant that gave like plus 2  hearts 
  •  a fire and ice saber legendary that had encahntments 
  • fire had vamprism 2, deconstructor 2, and sharpness V, unbreaking 3 
  •  ice one had vamprism 2, sharpness V, unbreaking 3 and some other stuff but its fine ill live without the other ones 
  • i had an image of some of my swords when i was talking a picture of my dragon but the file is to big to upload. 
  • thank you for your time and have a good day 

Your Name: eevilggenius_13
Item Name + ID + Amount:  

  • full dragon scale amour(blue) 
  • dragon eye
  •  a ring of regen and speed that had I think undying or legendary but it was purple that's all i can remember about the rings 
  •  heart of the sea pendant don't know what it had but it gave like plus 2  hearts 
  •  a fire and ice saber legendary that had encahntments 
  • fire had vamprism 2, deconstructor 2, and sharpness V, unbreaking 3 
  •  ice one had vamprism 2, sharpness V, unbreaking 3 and some other stuff but its fine ill live without the other ones but if its ok may i get ex pots for it. 

Base Coordinates: 268 y:68 z:4221

Description of Issue:  So I had died and my stuff dropped and when I went there my stuff had glitched and was gone when I go there. i had an image of some of my swords when i was talking a picture of my dragon but the file is to big to upload. 

Thank you for your time.


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