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[Griefing a claimed base, sending inappropriate things, and threatening me] (StormyWolf_)


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In-Game Nickname: (wynncraftwarrior)
Your username (Optional):  StormyWolf_
Time and Date: 10:42 PM EST 4/29/2020

Description of what happened: Wynn started claiming above my base and I asked him to stop and he didn't I was off minecraft then he msgs me and shows me a picture of my claimed base greifed and I get on to wynn showing me my base telling me he did it and then starts sending inapropiate things to me then calls me bad names and then threatens me trying to make me get in a call with him.

Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/XENnQXZ

List of eyewitnesses: CaptainBiscuit and Mizakuro


I wanted to give a more detailed account of what had happened in the above complaint. Wynncraftworrier started by spamming lightning above the base of Stormywolf_, Stormy asked him to stop but he didn't. She said if he didn't stop she'd kill him and then Wynn threatened her, saying she couldn't kill him and that there was nothing she could do. He then started claiming land around her base and started building blueprints and left signs calling her a bitch above her base. This dragged on for quite some time, and earlier this afternoon when Stormy logged on, he had griefed her entire base with blueprints and destroyed her claimed land. After that, which are in the screenshots by Stormywolf_, he called her a bitch and threatened her more on Discord saying he'd destroy more of her base. I want this to get figured out as soon as possible because this kind of harassment is not ok. Stormy was contemplating quitting because his harassment was so bad. Please get this fixed as soon as possible and hopefully they can roll her base back. 


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