Manager _MrToastyBuns_ Posted April 30, 2020 Manager Posted April 30, 2020 Your Name: Mr__Toasty__BunsIsland Owner Name: Mr__Toasty__BunsCoordinates: 25833, 85, -30953Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 04/25/2020Description of Issue: Started work on a new island for a huge factory and a draconic reactor below my main base area. Noticed my island mate DaviePlays did some work and moved his battery back and made it prettier, however as I joined the game and walked toward my ME System I got disconnected with the "java couldn't allocate.." etc message (I'm sure everyone is familiar with that one). Joined again and tried to approach from the opposite side and instantly disconnected with the same message. Talked to CowGoesBananas on discord and he said we must have corrupted a chunk or a few of them. Would appreciate an island rollback to a couple days ago (again, 04/25/2020)Screenshots (Optional): -Nothing I took would upload-
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