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[Inventory Rollback Request] Tapedos


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Your Name: Tapedos
Item Name + ID + Amount:  I dont know all, but here are some

Sea Serpent Helmet ( enchanted on protection III, not IV)

Dragon Scale Armor (enchanted on protection III, not IV)

Purple Tide Guardian legs (enchanted protection III)

Purple Tide Guardian boots (protection IV)


Flamed Bow Dragonbourne (multishot II, Infinity)

Fairy Ring 

Some trash (loot from monsters idc)

Flamed Dragonbourne Saber (penetration V looting III something else not importnant Education 1 Lifesteal 2)

Dragonbourne Pickaxe (Fortune II effiency IV)

Diamond Saw

Diamond Shovel

Potion Ring of strenght

Dragons Eye

Balloon +2 health

Some amulet +2 health

Horn with dragon 55 days stage 3 red flame

thats all i remember

Base Coordinates: 741, 48, - 2318

Description of Issue: Despawned after 10 seconds cca (sea serpent killed me)

Screenshots (Optional):  i can send u somewhere idk how to paste it here




Items refunded (it is impossible to have both looting and education on an item)

Please use the appropriate title, dont mix-match templates and titles as each do different things and provide different information - If you want a refund then the title is

[Refund Request] Name



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