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[Inventory Rollback Request] ThaSupaDupa

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Your Name:  FatBluntCaper
Coordinates: x2738 z4675
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5:40 PM (death at ~ 5:47) 06/17/2020 MST (AZ - no daylight savings - death was 26 hours before this edit)
Description of Issue:  Was trying to do the Monk level with walking across fire (without draconic armor). I assumed that even if I lagged out and it killed me, I'd still have my grave. But I lagged out, got disconnected and there was no grave. :(
Screenshots (Optional): 


EDIT: Whoops. I meant to post this in the DW20 v12 server, not here. My bad. Could someone move it if that's necessary, or let me know if I should make the topic in the right place.


Bump (?) (Sorry if that's not appropriate)

Not sure how long this usually takes but to be clear, my IGN is FatBluntCaper - ThaSupaDupa is just a /nick.


EDIT: Sorry for all the pings yall, but if it'd be easier, all I really want are a few particular items. I have screens of the obiturary I got at the time.

[Refund Request] FatBluntCaper

Your Name: FatBluntCaper
Item Name + Amount: Draconic Armor Set, Staff of Power
Coordinates (format x, y, z): 2380, 82, 4675
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: 2380, 82, 4675
Description of Issue: Was trying to do the monk level with walking across fire. Died with client lag, grave didn't spawn.
Screenshots (Optional): Cap1.PNG.4942f0c0bb5441c442e20ce662a44dad.PNG




No one told me not to, so, bump again I guess? Sorry for the double-post / ping regardless. It'd be nice to hear something, I feel like I'm in inventory limbo, keeping it empty for when / if a rollback gets done for me haha.


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