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[Refund Request] Anthony_Plaz


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Your Name: Anthony_Plaz
Item Name + Amount: One Tessaract, two energy plyons
Coordinates: x:4488 z:-3652 y: 112(7)
Description of Issue: Well since the severy started lagging i been having issues picking things up. Like today i was moving bases so i broke my tessarct server had a lag spike and i on the tessaract when it was dropped on the ground and it wouldnt get picked up my magent wouldnt even pick it up. Then the lag went away i picked up my turbine cassing by not the tessarct
Screenshots (Optional): 


yeah came back to add lag got my drives now with my draco stuff aka blocks for tier 5 core, 12 of my awkard cores, 20 blocks awkard and me drive, and 6 64k me drives, and tessarct or can i have the chunk rollback happened in my new base thou so here are the cords. "x:2557 z:-96 y:85(5)

9 hours ago, Anthony_Plaz said:

or can i have the chunk rollback happened in my new base thou so here are the cords. "x:2557 z:-96 y:85(5)

@Anthony_Plaz you can have an  area rollbacked, but you will have to make a seperate request for that:



well me drives and my draco stuff is in the me drives which is for the rollback request which i did. And the other things like tessearct and energy ployons i really dont care about the plyons there cheap so i can make more but the tessarct takes time that would be the only one i want a refund for.


Player made rollback request. 

Please list the items you are missing after the rollback in that post.


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