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[Refund Request] *DragonSlayers123*

Your Name:
Item Name + Amount: Quest coins: $1000
Coordinatesx4125 y70 z6269
Description of Issue: I clicked on the last quest in the quest book not knowing what it did (because there's no description of what it does) and 1000 coins were removed from my account. It didn't do anything and just took 1000 coins from my account, and then reset so the quest isn't even complete. I would like it if the coins could be refunded as having 1000 coins removed from your account for literally no reason is obviously very annoying and frustrating.
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The last quest unlocks the /rtp command, which... quite frankly we already have available. I am unable to refund those coins. The quest says clearly that they need to be submitted to complete it and unlock the command.

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