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Refund Request VeliZaurio


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Your Name: VeliZaurio
Item Name + Amount: 

  •  1 diamond sword
  • 1 iridium drill
  • 1 diamond axe
  • 1 diamond shovel
  • 15 blue slimy dirt
  • 7 twilight oak wood
  • 3 stone
  • 32 carrot
  • 17 arrow
  • 6 twilight oak slab
  • 7 bronze ingot
  • 17 copper cable
  • 64 iron ingot
  • 1 cutter
  • 1 forge hammer
  • 3 bronze item casing
  • 26 invar ingot
  • 1 nanosuit boots
  • 2 wireless rf transmitter
  • 55 dirt
  • 2 gold nugget
  • 28 redstone
  • 46 glowstone dust
  • 4 stone bricks
  • 7 ender shard
  • 3 rubber
  • 64 marble bricks
  • 1 glass cutter
  • 3 lapis lazuli
  • 23 glass
  • 6 copper cable
  • 1 screen controller
  • 1 screen
  • 4 redstone torch
  • 13 ender pearl
  • 1 slime boots
  • 1 nanosuit leggins
  • 1 quantumsuit bodyarmor
  • 1 nanosuit helmet

Coordinates: 2254, 64, -1649
Description of Issue: I picked up uranium 235 and i died from that, the mod gravestone failed and i lost all my stuff.
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