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[Inventory Rollback Request] Boudreauxj


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Your Name: Boudreauxj
Coordinates: 5239, 61, 2960
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): LIke 10 minutes ago. before the last server restart at like 1:50 or a lil later
Description of Issue: so i was exploring raid tryna find more librarian villagers for arcane and i and i stumbled across a temple that had a lever in it and i discovered a hole in the middle of the room when i flipped the lever so i went down i though maybe it was a treasure room but a medusa killed me and i could not get back there i only go like 12 of my items back maybe a couple more but all the other items i needed and i lost them so i was wondering maybe could i get them back
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Inventory Rollbacks are offered for server issues. This does not sound like a server issue, thus the request will be denied.

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