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Refund Request - AdmSirRed


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Your Name: AdmSirRed
Item Name + ID + Amount: Iced Dragon Bone rapier #5146 named Skofnung

With the following enchants.

Curse of Possession

Supreme Sharpness 5

Arc Slash 3

Advanced Mending

Unbreaking 3

Upgraded potentials
Adept 3

Education 3

Lifesteal 4

Rune: Piercing Capabilities 4


Base Coordinates: x -4528 , z -3015
Description of Issue: Was fighting a group of mobs easily enough when my sword was pulled away from sticky. But instead of returning it simply vanished. Inventory had plenty of room for it to return to as well.
Screenshots (Optional): 

This happened about 510 Am Pacific time

Thanks for any help on this. Was my first time after upgraded it as well!


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