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if been trying to play the last days and most of the time I couldn't connect to the server even when trying like 50 times.

The error message that I get the most is "Connection Lost Disconnected".


Error 1.png


Sometimes I get the "Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed" error but I think thats Mojang related(?)



Error 2.png


Tried flushing my dns but it didn't do anything. An interesting fact is that the only times I was able to connect were when I used the Google DNS Server but even that only worked for like 1/30 tries. It seems like it connects me but then I get kicked.

I checked the logs for any errors, but it only has texture and local map errors that were also there when I could connect.


Would be nice if you could check the Server logs since there isnt really any disconnect error in my logs that would give a hint on the problem. 

Here is the latest log and I also attached a trace route. 

My Username is _XNaN0_ and the UUID is 96ee1e62-de9c-480e-8c8c-3baa328e4b49




Hi _XNaN0_,

to be honest i'm not sure what is that, but i had the same problem on po3 on another server. It was caused due to low allocated ram for the entire computer processes which caused disconnect me due to unable load the connectio resource while logging in and due to bad connection. How much RAM you got in your computer and do you have a good connection like 20Mb? Let us know :)


Since I only have 8 Gigs on my Laptop I allocated 4,8 to Java and when ingame it never reaches 100%. Also theres always some ram left for the system.

Its not the fastest Laptop (Intel i5 M520 and Nvidia NVS 3100M) but it runs fine on other servers and singleplayer.

My Internet Connection is 200 Mbit down and my ping is between 10 and 20 (google).


Well to be honest I don't know what's causing it. If you run it good on other servers it's kinda a server host problem, location or something else.
Can't help you with that :C


Hi _XNaN0_,

we got another player having your same problem, he had Malware Bytes as antivirus.
If you have it disable it and it should work, if not then same reply as the last post, i don't know sorry.


I already disabled Security Essentials (Windows 7) and created a firewall exception. Didn't do a thing unfortunatly.

32 minutes ago, brunyman said:

From what country do you connect?


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