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Repeatedly kicked from game by an error


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(sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but i really wanna play and i have no clue whats going on)

I first joined a few days ago and everythings been going well until today, i was running around and grabbing some flowers for an item i wanted to make then suddenly i got kicked from the game, thinking nothing of it i tried to rejoin but when i did i was just floating in space, all i could see was my sheild and the dandelions in my hand and the chat and then i was kicked again after a long wait. this is what it says after i tried to rejoin again: https://imgur.com/a/GEdmXmQ

after that i tried a few more times, then restarted the game and tried a few more times but so far nothings worked


Hey! i finally got it fixed! if this happens to anyone else heres what i did to fix it: when your logging on see if you can type /home, it got me unstuck sorry if that doesnt helo anyone who has this problem in the future tho, thats all i did


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