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[Inventory Rollback Request]Poly_Slight


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Your Name: Poly_Slight
Coordinates: Occurrence in raid world ~ -18,000 / 0  ---  overworld base -346 / -2445
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): pre 1:30am central standard time, 04/08/2021
Description of Issue: Bugged into a dragon's mouth upon killing it, could do nothing to get out, did /home, upon doing /home was then stuck in an instant death/respawn loop until relogging with anything I did drop (things without possession on them) no where to be found at my base nor where it respawned me at the OVERWORLD world border. Fear if I attemp to reach the raid cords the items will only despawn in time it takes to get within range of em either or just aren't there period. Rollback is probably my best bet? Thank you in advance for the help!!

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