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[Refund Request] chakals


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In-Game Name: chakals
Server (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): Assasins Craft

Item name + Item ID (Item ID optional, but very helpful!): i had the legendary weapon  tomahawk, my shadow armor with full enchant but just the chest plate, the pants, an the boots with enchants like unbreaking 3, protection iv,thorns 3, the boots with feather felling iv,thorns 3, because my helmet was of diamond also with full enchants, unbreaking 3,protection iv,depth strider,thorns 3, a scythes clock with velocity, enchant elytras with unbreaking 3, and finally the hook there are other things but i can't remeber , i losed the money of the bank maybe 1.5 million.
Time & Date (Time and Date when you lost the item/s): My account was fine the day 25/01/2021 at 8 pm before my account was reset by the request that i made of password reset because i can't saw my skin inside the game( i have premium account)
Description of Issue (how you lost the items):I lost all the items due password reset.
Evidence (an old screenshot/video that shows you had the items;Optional): I dont' have


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