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[Inventory Rollback Request] hiimcody1


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Your Name: hiimcody1
Coordinates: x730 y69 z3383
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 06:15:00 PM GMT -4
Description of Issue: Right clicked a runic altar in a town near mine and lost my Tinkers' Cleaver. It was mostly steel parts, wooden handle, paper handle, looting 1, had sharpness added once
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I was unable to perform rollback due to missing rollback points for specified time.

If the sword was the only thing that you lost please make a list of it's parts and modifiers below for a refund.


Steel Large Blade
Steel Plate
Bone Tough Rod
Paper Tough Rod
1 level of sharpness (quartz. I think it is 40 pieces to fill out level 1?)
1 level of luck (lapis)


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