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[Inventory Rollback Request] hiimcody1


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Your Name: hiimcody1
Coordinates: x -372 y 69 z -266
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 25/7/2021 3:15AM GMT -4
Description of Issue: Recently started vampirism from Witchery, wasn't aware of the consequences since I usually do the tech mods instead. Died at spawn, gravestone didn't spawn since I was at spawn. My inventory was basically the same all the way back to 2:45A or so if that helps any.
Screenshots (Optional): 


Items missing:
Safari Net (Reusable) x4             - JnVwcO.png
Observations of an Immortal x1 - DHGfzU.png
Torn Page x3                               - 9yhwgG.png

My player seems to have reverted to be human, but I don't think that's easily fixed unless it is possible to spawn a Glass Goblet that is already filled with Lilith's blood, I couldn't find a pre-filled goblet in NEI though. (Witchery is a weird mod ngl). Otherwise I'll just go through the ritual again.


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