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[1 Item Inventory Rollback Request] rexeb


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Your Name:  rexeb
Coordinates:  X:2226  Y:195 Z: -134
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): (GMT+2)  14:00  2021/11/14
Description of Issue: I put my heavily enchanted sword into an anvil, and right as it filled the slot, I saw a message in chat that read "----<Server Restart>----" Keep in mind there was no countdown, colored text or any warning. I instantly knew what was going to happen, and waited in suspense to find my sword missing when the server came back online. I only lost the sword itself because it probably dropped on the ground out of the anvil as I was kicked. Please don't ignore this request as well.
Screenshots (Optional):  I wish i could show the enchantments on the sword, it was outside my screen.


The sword is still missing, should I place a chest at the coordinates? I checked all my chests and such, still no sword.


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