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[Inventory Rollback Request]*Philldapill*


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Your Name: Philldapill
Coordinates: x: -4077, z: 212, y: 41
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): I -think- it was around 5:30-5:40pm Central Time on 12/12/2021
Description of Issue: I was at MangoGamer's Enderman farm and we were slaying the mobs. He accidentally hit me, then I immediately died right after. I respawned, did /back, dug up my grave, then got the message "You cannot drop items while in pvp combat". As a result, none of my grave items dropped. My inventory was gone.
Screenshots (Optional): None.

I'm not sure of the exact time, but I know I had various Tinkerer's Construct tools, as well as my diamond backpack (most important thing).


Done let me know if the stuff in that obsidian chest is right its the only death listed on 12/12 but the server time is way off from CST time so it may be one of the others if that is not the right one. message me in discord please if so. :) 


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